Febreze Odor Eliminator - No More Stinky Clothes, Just The Freshness! #BringTheStink

02 December 0 Comments A+ a-

You all must have known that I love cooking. But, one thing that intimidates me every-time is those food odors clinging on-to my clothes. The worst thing is that I don't even realize that I smell like the curry I just finished cooking or the fish I sautéed a while ago. I sometimes realize the odor when I head out for a walk or while watching television, not cool! I take every possible step to make my clothes look fresher and odor-free after every wash. But sometimes this becomes a challenge when the going gets tougher. If you are pet owner or a busy mom, I think you can understand what I mean. Once the towels, workout clothes, gear from a weekend camping trip, even the sweatshirt from last night’s bonfire have endured a spin cycle in the wash, it is expected that they will be clean and odor free. But, this is not always the case. Scented detergents, fabric softener and dryer sheets can sometimes mask those deep down odors, but they cannot always do the trick. So what do we do? Fear not, I just found the new Febreze In-wash Odor Eliminator, with three times more freshening power, focuses solely on giving laundry a fresh clean scent, no matter what odorous encounters it has had. Good news is that, this Febreze in-wash odor eliminator has the power to work seamlessly with any laundry detergent and can be used for all types of odors such as smoke, sweat, mildew, pets, cooking and so on.

I received 2 samples of the Febreze In-wash odor eliminator to experience the product and share my thoughts. Febreze has always been a familiar brand to me and so I was more than happy to try it. I used this the first time with our workout clothes and few pairs of week-old socks that were waiting to be washed. Then I washed the mat-sets that were stinking for a while because of the trapped moisture. I was happy with the results, especially the mats, because I was looking to buy new ones as the smell never seemed to go and was lingering till now no matter what I did. Problem solved - Thank you Febreze!

So, what exactly does this product do? While the laundry detergent is cleaning away dirt, Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator is fighting tough odors. I am one of those who chose fragrance boosters and sheets to boost up the freshness. But now after using the odor-eliminator, I think it does make sense to eliminate odor where it starts rather than just masking it with another smell. Just one wash will give the smelliest piece of laundry - a bright clean fragrance. This also should work well for athletic uniforms, gym clothes, job uniforms, curtains, comforters and many other materials that can be put in the washing machine.

Right now, there is a $2OFF coupon you could use to save on this already amazing product. For more details and product promotions, visit - http://febrezeinwash.com/

What are your thoughts on Febreze In-wash Odor Eliminator? Have you tried it ever before? 

I received this product(s) for a discounted price/free of charge, in exchange of my honest opinion. Nevertheless, I personally use, review the product and recommend only those i believe will be good for my readers.